Digital Forensics: What is Cybercrime and its Different Types

Cybercrime is any illegal activity that is performed by the use of a connected device such as a computer, laptop, mobile, etc. This blog illustrate different types of cybercrime and also mentions its examples.

Different Types of Cybercrime

Internal Attack

When a cyber attack performed by internal entity of an organisation. e.g. deletion of base code of company's website by disgruntled employee of that organisation

External Attack

When a cyber attack performed by external entity by exploiting vulnerabilities in the IT system. e.g. defacement of website by exploiting web based vulnerabilities

Examples of Cybercrimes

CyberwarfareUse of cyber security tools against country by another country
Phishing/SpoofingClone the existing IT system/website to trick genuine users
EspionageTry to get secrets of individual or organisation or nation by an attacker
CyberterrorismUse to cyber tools by terrorists gainst entity/organisation
Brute-force AttackTry all the combination of strings to crack the secret of any IT system
Cyber DefamationDefame the entity by using internet technogies
Data ManipulationData is deleted, updated and viewed by an unauthorised entity
Intellectual Property TheftIntellectual Property owned by an organization stolen by an attacker
Denial of Service AttackBombard IT system with useless requests to prevent access of genuine users
Trojan Horse AttackSoftware turned into malware that used by an employee

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Disclaimer: This tutorial is for educational purpose only. Individual is solely responsible for any illegal act.

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