Course Outline of Digital Forensics
This blog provides you with a course outline of the Digital Forensics Course. You can request more topics to add while giving feedback in the Comment section.
Fundamentals of Digital Forensics
Skills Needed for Digital Forensics
Digital Forensics Certifications
What is Cybercrime and its Different Types
Different Types of Digital Evidence
Concept of Business Continuity
Legal Compliance in Computer Forensics
Investigation Process of Computer Forensics
Pre-Investigation Phase in Digital Forensics
Investigation Phase in Digital Forensics
Post-Investigation Phase in Digital Forensics
Types of Storage Drives
Logical Structures of a Disk
Booting Process of Windows OS
File Systems of Windows OS
Booting process of Linux OS
File Systems of Linux OS
Booting process of MAC OS
File Systems of MAC OS
Analyze File Systems
Data Acquisition
Types of Data Acquisition
Format of Data Acquisition
Data Acquisition Methodology
Anti-Forensic Techniques
Data Deletion Forensic
Recycle Bin Forensic
Techniques of File Carving
How to Recover Digital Evidence
Artifact Wiping
Metadata Detection
Collection of Volatile and Non-volatile data
Examine Cache, Cookie, and History in Web Browsers
Examine Windows Files and Metadata
Volatile and Non-volatile Data in Linux
Analysis of File System using Sleuth Kit
Memory Forensics
MAC Forensics
Fundamentals of Network Forensics
Event Correlation Concept
Investigation of Network Traffic
Web Application Forensics
How to Analyze Apache Web Server Logs
Dark Web
TPR Browser Forensics
How to Analyze Memory Dumps
Malware Forensics Fundamentals
Static Analysis of Malware
Dynamic Malware Analysis
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Disclaimer: This tutorial is for educational purpose only. Individual is solely responsible for any illegal act.