Cyber Security News | All About Testing Software Testing & Ethical Hacking Fundamentals Mon, 30 Oct 2023 16:38:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Cyber Security News | All About Testing 32 32 135190090 President Biden Releases a New Executive Order for Securing Artificial Intelligence Mon, 30 Oct 2023 16:10:57 +0000 Biden Administration issues an executive order for safe, secure, and trustworthy AI. This executive order helps to secure privacy and...

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Biden Administration issues an executive order for safe, secure, and trustworthy AI. This executive order helps to secure privacy and protect the American people from the risks of AI.

The Biden Administration includes the following initiatives for promoting safe AI by signing the Executive order.

1) New Standards for AI Safety and Security

  • Developers need to share the safety test results of big AI systems with the government
  • Work on the development of new standards for safe AI
  • Protect US people from AI fraud (e.g. AI-generated content)
  • Establish a cyber security AI program for managing software and fixing vulnerabilities

2) To protect the Privacy of the American people

  • Protect the privacy of the American people by using AI techniques
  • Fund research in developing cryptographic tools to protect private data
  • Develop guidelines for government agencies to check the effectiveness of privacy-preserving techniques

3) Promote Equity and Civil Rights

  • Use of AI in such as way that advances equity and civil rights
  • Proper safeguards available for algorithmic discrimination

4) Better use of AI for vulnerable section

  • Responsible use of AI in medical
  • Promote the use of AI in the education sector

5) AI for labor

  • Do study and prepare a report on the impact of AI on the labour market
  • Minimize surveillance, bias, and job displacement because of AI in the labor market

6) AI for innovation

  • Promote research in AI by funding researchers and students in the field
  • Provide help and assistance to small developers and entrepreneurs

7) America be in a leadership role in the field of AI

  • Work with other countries to promote the use of AI in a safe and secure way

8) Ensuring the use of AI efficiently in government

  • The efficient use of AI in government minimizes the associated risks such as discrimination and safe decisions

As mentioned in order, the US is already working with allies to work on an AI governance framework. Currently, a lot of discussions are happening with different countries and the UN.

The post President Biden Releases a New Executive Order for Securing Artificial Intelligence first appeared on All About Testing.

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OWASP Top 10 for Large Language Models (LLMs) Applications Sat, 15 Jul 2023 17:07:08 +0000 OWASP released an OWASP Top 10 for Large Language Models (LLMs) Applications on 16th October, 2023. The version of this...

The post OWASP Top 10 for Large Language Models (LLMs) Applications first appeared on All About Testing.

OWASP released an OWASP Top 10 for Large Language Models (LLMs) Applications on 16th October, 2023. The version of this document is 0.6. This document is prepared by more than 500 researchers working in the field.

The primary purpose for the creation of the OWASP Top 10 for LLM applications is to mitigate the security and safety issues in large implementations utilizing LLM.

OWASP Top 10 for Large Language Models (LLMs) Applications

LLM01Prompt InjectionsThis vulnerability allows attackers to inject craftily input into LLM applications, providing the intended results of the attacker
LLM02Insecure Output HandlingThis vulnerability arises when the LLM application accepts output without verifying the malicious nature
LLM03Training Data PoisoningThis vulnerability allows the poisoning of data by malicious tainted training data
LLM04Model Denial of ServiceHere, vulnerability arises because of security issues during the development of LLM applications
LLM05Supply Chain VulnerabilitiesHere, vulnerability arises because of security issues while the development of LLM applications
LLM06Sensitive Information DisclosureReveal sensitive information in responses provided by
LLM model
LLM07Insecure Plugins Design Remote Code Execution because of untrusted inputs
LLM08Excessive AgencyThis vulnerability arises due to providing excessive permissions in providing responses.
LLM09OverrelianceLLM application provides an output that may be invalid
LLM10Model TheftLeakage of proprietary LLM model

Click Here for the Checklist to perform an audit of AI/ML systems

LLM Application Data Flow

Demonstrate high-level architecture for a hypothetical large language model application

Credit: OWASP


OWASP Top 10 for Large Language Models (LLMs) Applications

The post OWASP Top 10 for Large Language Models (LLMs) Applications first appeared on All About Testing.

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