10 Simple Tips to Secure IoT Devices

The Internet of Things (IoT) denotes the interconnection of physical objects and devices via different communication technologies and sensors. Hackers constantly attack IoT devices to extract sensitive information. Here in this article, you can check different examples of IoT.

Below I am listed 10 Simple Tips to secure IoT Devices:

(1) Update Update Update

Whenever the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) releases an update, install it asap. Most of the time, OEM releases security patches to secure the device from known vulnerabilities. It definitely helps you to secure the device 9 out of 10 times.

(2) Change Defaults

People are lazy. But if you do not change your default passwords and configuration, it may cost your IoT device. Mirai Botnet exploits the same to convert IoT devices into DDoS attack machines.

(3) Use strong passwords

If you are using strong passwords for IoT devices, there is a rare chance of identity theft in IoT devices. It is the most obvious tip, but generally not implemented in the field.

(4) Switch to the power-off mode when not in use

Power-off mode minimizes most types of risks in IoT devices. If not necessary or at night, you can switch off IoT devices.

(5) Enable a multi-factor authentication mechanism

Multi-factor authentication enables greater security and assurance. Use biometric, token-based authentication for management access of IoT devices.

Check IoT Interview Questions and Answers

(6) Remove unsupported operating systems and applications if any

Always check your IoT devices for redundant software applications. Uninstall it if not required. The team should be available to record such types of events.

(7) Ensure the IoT device connects to an only trusted wi-fi network

Try not to connect public wi-fi to your IoT device. Public wi-fi is generally more prone to attacks. The attacker may intercept the communication and reveal sensitive information.

(8) Change your passwords periodically

It is an easy and effective step to enhance the security of IoT devices. Always change passwords at least once in 6 months.

(9) Disable features if not used

This step decreases the attack vector significantly. A common example is to switch off Bluetooth, and wifi features if you sleep or are not in use.

(10) Purchase trusted IoT products from the market

Avoid buying cheap IoT products in the market. Those products may bypass the basic security checks of IoT products.


Never ignore security. IoT devices are inherently insecure if not used properly. Try to follow the advice of OEM while using IoT devices.

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Disclaimer: This tutorial is for educational purpose only. Individual is solely responsible for any illegal act.

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