Install ftp server on Kali Linux

Suppose you need to access FTP on your Kali machine for lab activity; you just need to type the below command to check whether FTP is configured or not on your Kali machine. If the below output comes, it shows you need to install FTP.

#ftp localhost

I am listing simple steps to configure ftp in Kali Linux. FTP server is used to transfer files between different computers in the same and different networks.

Step 1: Install vsftp

#sudo apt-get install vsftpd 

Step 2: Start ftp server and check the status by using the below commands.

#service vsftpd start
#service vsftpd status

Step 3: Access file /etc/vsftpd.conf by using an editor (vim, nano, etc.) and configure anonymous_enable to YES if you want to enable anonymous login else No (by default). I have configured as YES as I have enabled anonymous login.


Step 4: Stop and Restart ftp service

#service vsftpd stop
#service vsftpd start

Step 5: Check Kali machine ip


Step 6: Open browser and type Browser prompt for the password. Type anonymous as username and password.

You can check via the terminal also. Type anonymous as login and password.

If a similar screen comes as above, it shows you have installed FTP correctly.


This article provides simple steps to install ftp server on Kali Linux. FTP servers allow IT professionals to exchange data and files across the network.

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Disclaimer: This tutorial is for educational purpose only. Individual is solely responsible for any illegal act.

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8 Responses

  1. John says:

    Nice Article..

  2. gorybloodfest says:

    straightforward and simple thanks this helped me !

  3. Arif Mohammad says:

    Crisp tutorial for installation of ftp on kali linux

  4. Luv Agarwal says:

    sir, please write more tutorials on penetration testing techniques

  5. jones says:


  6. Sitara Sharma says:

    upload more tutorials on ftp

  7. Suresh says:

    concise article

  8. Heidi Hall says:

    I got as far as editing the vsftpd.config. When typing in the browser it did not ask for username and password. When I tried to type ftp in the terminal emulator it gave ftp: connect: No route to host

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