Blog | All About Testing Software Testing & Ethical Hacking Fundamentals Sun, 29 Oct 2023 16:02:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Blog | All About Testing 32 32 135190090 5 AI Vulnerabilities You Must Know in 2023 Sun, 29 Oct 2023 16:00:05 +0000 Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a critical role in the changing landscape of many industries. Cyber Security is also affected by...

The post 5 AI Vulnerabilities You Must Know in 2023 first appeared on All About Testing.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a critical role in the changing landscape of many industries. Cyber Security is also affected by the emergence of AI in the current scenario. Cyber Security is a huge field, and new security issues raised because of AI.

This blog discusses 5 AI vulnerabilities that you must know in 2023.

Data Poisoning

Any AI system is fed with training data when training the system initially. If the attacker poisons the training data, the AI system learns the wrong patterns. As a result, the whole AI system behaves erroneously and does not work as expected.

For example, a Firewall with AI features is installed in a network to detect cyber attacks on the network. Initially, the Firewall learned the behavior of traffic by deploying it in the network. If an attacker sends malicious traffic in the beginning, the Firewall understands that the malicious packets are the expected ones. When it is operation stage, if the firewall again encounters the same type of malicious packets, it will allow it to learn that the receiving of malicious packets is normal.

Data Evasion

This type of attack is quite common against AI systems. In this type of attack, there will be changes in some training data, which result in a huge change in the assessment methodology of the model. Although, if humans consume the same data, there will be no change in the assessment.

Assume an AI system is deployed to determine the animal. If some pixels are changed in the image, the AI system is not able to identify the animal correctly. However, human eye can easily identify animals as elephants without any effort.

Membership Inference

Membership inference is an attack that targets machine learning models, including those used in AI applications. It involves an attacker attempting to determine whether a specific data point was part of the training dataset used to build a machine learning model.

This attack has important implications (e.g. medical data) for the privacy of individuals whose data is included in the training dataset.

Model Extraction

AI system operates on the principle of defined algorithms and processes. If an attacker knows the internal design of the AI system, this will pose a huge risk to the AI system. As an attacker is able to replicate the same model, by making some malicious changes in the system.

In this type of attack, the attacker easily fools the AI system as he/she knows all the design and implementation details of the AI system.

Model Inversion

This type of attack works on the principle of reverse engineering. Here, the attacker changes the output and tries to get private information.

In summary, model inversion is an attack that focuses on the reverse engineering of a machine learning model and helps in uncovering sensitive data used in its training.

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Pen Test Checklist for Web Applications Wed, 25 Oct 2023 17:25:29 +0000 Penetration Test is not an easy task. Security Engineer should be ready with all the tools and techniques to identify...

The post Pen Test Checklist for Web Applications first appeared on All About Testing.

Penetration Test is not an easy task. Security Engineer should be ready with all the tools and techniques to identify security flaws in application.

This blog provide a penetration testing checklist guide to test the web application for security flaws.

Preparation of Pen Test

  • Identify the scope – Endpoints, URLs, Number of Static and Dynamic pages
  • Ask developer to create staging environment similar to production environment
  • Whitelist IP addresses that need to be use by Pen Tester to attack application

Type of Penetration Testing

  • Black Box – No support available from the developer side
  • Gray Box – Partial support available from the developer side
  • White Box – Full support available from the developer side

Documentation Required in case of Gray Box and White Box Penetration Testing

  • Design Document
  • User Manual Document
  • Access Control Document
  • Data Flow charts
  • Usernames and Passwords for different roles

Stages of Penetration Testing

As a Pen Tester, you should know the steps to test the web application for vulnerabilities. There are generally five steps to follow to perform penetration testing:

1. Reconnaissance of Target
2. Scanning of Web Application using Automated Scanner
3. Assessment of Identified Security Flaws
4. Try of Exploitation
5. Reporting of Results

1. Reconnaissance

Reconnaissance is a process of collecting all the technical information related to the target. Below are the information you should collect related to the target.

  • Identify Web Server and Technologies – by using tool Wappalyzer
  • Search Engine Discovery Reconnaissance for Information Leakage – refer detail blog on using search engines for hacking web application
  • Identify Webserver Metafiles for Information Leakage
  • Enumerate Applications on Webserver
  • Review Webpage Content for Information Leakage
  • Identify Application Entry Points
  • Map Execution Paths Through Application
  • Fingerprint Web Application Framework
  • Map Application Architecture

Reconnaissance is further divided into Active Reconnaissance and Passive Reconnaissance.

2. Scanning of Web Application using Automated Scanner

As covering and reviewing for vulnerabilities of whole application is next to impossible, it is always recommended to scan web application with automated scanner like BurpSuite, AppScan, NetSparker, etc.

3. Assessment of Identified Security Flaws

Once vulnerabilities discovered by the Automated Scanner, assessment of those security flaws should be start. Generally, lot of false positive issues have been provided by Automated Scanner. As a Pen Tester, you should be able to discard false positive in this particular stage.

Manual Techniques also need to apply to test business logic flaws in the web application. In addition, other manual techniques to identify vulnerabilities in web applications.

4. Try of Exploitation

In this step, Pen Tester try to exploit identified vulnerabilities in the web application. This will showcase the severity of issues to the developers and other stakeholders.

5. Reporting of Results

This is very important step to provide all details related to identified security flaws.

Two types of report may be prepared for reporting of results.

Detailed report with all details of vulnerabilities and POC will be provided to developer to resolve the issues.

Higher Management is looking for a report which is concise without losing details of vulnerabilities identified during the Penetration Testing.

Following PenTest Checklist is recommended as per OWASP Testing Guide to Test the Web Application

Configuration and Deployment Management Testing

  • Network Infrastructure Configuration
  • Application Platform Configuration
  • File Extensions Handling for Sensitive Information
  • Review Old Backup and Unreferenced Files for Sensitive Information
  • Infrastructure and Application Admin Interfaces
  • HTTP Methods
  • HTTP Strict Transport Security
  • RIA Cross Domain Policy
  • File Permission
  • Subdomain Takeover
  • Cloud Storage

Identity Management Testing

  • Role Definitions
  • Account Provisioning Process
  • Account Enumeration and Guessable User Account
  • Weak or Unenforced Username Policy

Authentication Testing

  • Credentials Transported over an Encrypted Channel
  • Default Credentials
  • Weak Lock Out Mechanism
  • Bypassing Authentication Schema
  • Vulnerable Remember Password
  • Browser Cache Weaknesses
  • Weak Password Policy
  • Weak Security Question Answer
  • Weak Password Change or Reset Functionalities
  • Weaker Authentication in Alternative Channel

Authorization Testing

  • Directory Traversal File Include
  • Bypassing Authorization Schema
  • Privilege Escalation
  • Insecure Direct Object References

Session Management Testing

  • Session Management Schema
  • Cookies Attributes
  • Session Fixation
  • Exposed Session Variables
  • Cross Site Request Forgery
  • Logout Functionality
  • Session Timeout
  • Session Puzzling
  • Session Hijacking

Input Validation Testing

  • Reflected Cross Site Scripting
  • Stored Cross Site Scripting
  • HTTP Verb Tampering
  • HTTP Parameter Pollution

SQL Injection

  • Oracle
  • MySQL
  • SQL Server
  • PostgreSQL
  • MS Access
  • NoSQL Injection
  • ORM Injection
  • Client-side

LDAP Injection

XML Injection

SSI Injection

XPath Injection

IMAP SMTP Injection

Code Injection

  • Local File Inclusion
  • Remote File Inclusion

Command Injection

Format String Injection

Incubated Vulnerability

HTTP Splitting Smuggling

HTTP Incoming Requests

Host Header Injection

Server-side Template Injection

Server-Side Request Forgery

Error Handling

  • Improper Error Handling
  • Stack Traces

Weak Cryptography

  • Weak Transport Layer Security
  • Padding Oracle
  • Sensitive Information Sent via Unencrypted Channels
  • Weak Encryption

Test for Business Logic

  • Business Logic Data Validation
  • Ability to Forge Requests
  • Test Integrity Checks
  • Process Timing
  • Number of Times a Function Can Be Used Limits
  • Circumvention of Work Flows
  • Defenses Against Application Misuse
  • Upload of Unexpected File Types
  • Upload of Malicious Files

Client-side Testing

  • DOM-Based Cross Site Scripting
  • JavaScript Execution
  • HTML Injection
  • Client-side URL Redirect
  • CSS Injection
  • Client-side Resource Manipulation
  • Cross Origin Resource Sharing
  • Cross Site Flashing
  • Clickjacking
  • WebSocket Testing
  • Web Messaging
  • Browser Storage
  • Cross Site Script Inclusion

API Testing

Testing of GraphQL

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Top Cyber Security Tools for Beginners Tue, 24 Oct 2023 07:20:45 +0000 Cyber Security refers to a subject that takes care of the security of IT assets from bad people. It is...

The post Top Cyber Security Tools for Beginners first appeared on All About Testing.

Cyber Security refers to a subject that takes care of the security of IT assets from bad people. It is essential for any organization to deploy different tools for different types of attacks.

For instance, networking tools are deployed at the premises to mitigate denial of service attacks. For the identification of any web vulnerability, different security scanning tools are available.

Types of Cyber Security Tools

Cyber Security is a broad term that covers everything related to securing IT assets from bad people. There are a lot of tools available to secure the data and IT infrastructure from attacks. We will discuss 4 types of cyber security tools in brief that are used for the protection of IT assets.

Further, You may refer to the Most Asked Cyber Security Interview Questions & Answers.

Application Security Tools

Most of the attacks are carried out by exploiting vulnerabilities available in the web application. Those vulnerabilities arise due to exploits available on the open web. Also, on a daily basis, tons of zero-day vulnerabilities are found in the world by security researchers and hackers.

It is not easy to find vulnerabilities by manual methods. There are a lot of tools available in the market to find vulnerabilities in the web application. Open-source tools are also available to find issues in web applications.

Network Security Tools

Network Security Tools covers most of the tools that help in securing IT infrastructure. Network security monitoring tools, Network Intrusion Detection, Firewalls, Managed Detection Services, Security Information and Event Management (SIEM), Privilege Access Management (PAM), etc.

Antivirus Softwares

Antivirus software is the most used program to find malicious software on desktops, laptops, and servers. You have encountered many antivirus software to use your system to get rid of malicious programs.

Vulnerability Assessment Tools

Any website deployed on the servers also has vulnerabilities. To identify those vulnerabilities in the operating system, virtualization software, firewalls, routers, etc, vulnerability assessment tools are required.

Both commercial and open-source tools are available to identify vulnerabilities in the IT assets.

Top Cyber Security Tools for Beginners

These tools are used by cyber security professionals to carry out different tasks to ensure Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability of the system. Here, we will discuss some tools that are used by beginners in the field of cyber security.


Burpsuite is the most popular tool for identifying web vulnerabilities. This tool has many features even in the community edition. This tool helps to enhance the pace of the testing process by providing an Intruder, Repeater, Sequencer, Decoder, and many more features.

The Burpsuite Pro version (commercial) has an automated application scanner that provides a list of vulnerabilities in the web application. Pro-exclusive BApp extensions are also may be used to automate the process. Overall, Burpsuite is a must-use tool for beginners to hone their skills in cyber security.


OWASP ZAP is an open-source web application scanning tool and has the capability to test the web application. This tool has most of the features available in Burpsuite. For a detailed comparison, you may refer to the blog Burpsuite vs OWASP ZAP.

Refer to How to download OWASP ZAP vulnerability scanner to install on your system.

Tenable Nessus

Tenable Nessus is a vulnerability scanner to identify issues of operating systems, devices, and applications. This tool is used by most security professionals to carry out Vulnerability Assessment (VA) activity.

More than 157,000 plugins are available that automatically update in real-time to find vulnerabilities in the IT infrastructure.

Security Auditors also use Nessus as 450 compliance and configuration templates are available. You can compare Nessus with another tool Nexpose by following the link.


NMap is the most popular port scanning tool to identify open ports in a network. This tool also provides common vulnerabilities available on the device.


Nikto is a free application security scanner that provides basic vulnerabilities in web applications. The main advantage of using Nikto as it is very easy to use.

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Complete List of AI Cyber Security Standards Sat, 07 Oct 2023 11:37:14 +0000 Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the emerging field that is using in both defending the IT assets and attacking the IT...

The post Complete List of AI Cyber Security Standards first appeared on All About Testing.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the emerging field that is using in both defending the IT assets and attacking the IT assets.

The potential of AI is huge and it is difficult to tackle associated risks and threats in AI systems. Currently lot of work is in progress to define protocols and standards to understand the AI systems.

For securing AI, it is essential to have mature standards to understand the behavior of AI and at the same time, to assess the AI.

If you are interested to assess the AI system, Click Here for a checklist to audit AI/ML systems.

This blog lists cyber security standards related to AI which deals with all the issues that arise because of AI.

ISO/IEC 27090

  • Currently in the under-development stage
  • Provide guidance to organizations on mitigating risk and threats in AI system
  • Provide guidance to understand issues that arise because of an AI system
  • Applicable for both Public and Private organizations, that are involved in the development or use of the AI system

ETSI Released documents for securing Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • ETSI is a European Telecommunications Standards Institute that provides standardization of information and communication technologies (ICT)
  • ETSI released a series of documents that provide insight into secure AI systems
  • Documents List:
    • Securing Artificial Intelligence (SAI); Problem Statement
    • Securing Artificial Intelligence (SAI); Mitigation Strategy Report
    • Securing Artificial Intelligence (SAI); Data Supply Chain Security
    • Securing Artificial Intelligence (SAI); AI Threat Ontology
    • Securing ArtificiaI Intelligence (SAI); The role of hardware in the security of AI
    • Securing Artificial Intelligence (SAI); Artificial Intelligence Computing Platform Security Framework
    • Securing Artificial Intelligence (SAI); Proofs of Concepts Framework
    • Securing Artificial Intelligence (SAI); Explicability and transparency of AI processing
    • Securing Artificial Intelligence (SAI); Automated Manipulation of Multimedia Identity Representations
  • All documents available on the link freely

ENISA released a framework for cybersecurity practices of AI

  • European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA)
  • Released a framework for CyberSecurity Practices of AI
  • Available on Link freely

ISO/IEC TR 27563

  • Published in 2023
  • Provide best practices for assessing the security and privacy of AI system
  • Provide security and privacy-related concerns, risks, controls, assurance, and plans
  • Need to pay for assessing these standards

ISO/IEC TR 24030

  • Published in 2021
  • Provides Use Cases of AI applications
  • Need to pay for assessing these standards

You may refer other cyber security to secure IT assets that help in deploying AI systems


Since AI and cybersecurity are dynamic fields, it’s essential to stay updated with the latest standards and best practices to ensure that your AI-based security solutions are both effective and compliant with industry and regulatory requirements.

The post Complete List of AI Cyber Security Standards first appeared on All About Testing.

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Top 20 Cyber Security Companies Thu, 28 Sep 2023 17:38:29 +0000 Cyber Security is the trending field that helps to secure critical assets of any country. Cybersecurity is a subject based...

The post Top 20 Cyber Security Companies first appeared on All About Testing.

Cyber Security is the trending field that helps to secure critical assets of any country. Cybersecurity is a subject based on the principles of Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. This will help in securing digital assets globally.

Cyber Security Company

Cyber Security companies provide different services such as vulnerability research, application security, penetration testing, cloud security, blockchain security, AI/ML security, etc.

Cyber Security companies also provide different cybersecurity products such as firewalls, Antivirus, Vulnerability scanners, Penetration Testing solutions, Cloud Protection solutions, etc. to secure digital assets.

Top 20 Cyber Security Companies

Here is a list of the top 20 cyber security companies with details of their products and services. Please note companies are listed without specifying any particular sequence.

Sr. No.Company NameHead QuarterProductsServices
1.PortSwiggerCheshire, UKBurpsuite – both cloud and standalone product availableApplication Security Testing, Penetration Testing, Bug Bounty Hunting, DevSecOps, Compliance (PCI DSS, HIPAA, NIST 800-53, OWASP Top 10, GDPR and many more)
2.Rapid7Boston, Massachusetts, United StatesMETASPLOIT, NEXPOSE, INSIGHTCLOUDSEC, INSIGHTCONNECT, INSIGHTAPPSEC and many moreApplication Security Testing, Penetration Testing, IoT Security Testing, Security Advisory Services, Manages Detection and Response and many more
3.CiscoSan Jose, California, United StatesProvide different solutions such as Secure Endpoint, Secure Firewall, SecureX platform, Security Cloud and many more to secure IT systems
4.CrowdStrikeAustin, Texas, United StatesFalcon Go, Falcon Pro, Falcon Enterprise, Falcon Elite, Cloud Security Platform, Threat Intelligence and Hunting and many moreRed Team and Blue Team Exercise, Penetration Testing, SOC Assessment, Managed Threat Hunting and many more
5.IBMArmonk, New YorkCyber Security Solutions to secure Cloud, Network etc.
Product of Application Security
6.Trend MicroTokyo, JapanSecurity Solutions for Cloud, Network etc.
7.HackerOneSan Francisco, CaliforniaManage Vulnerable Disclosure Program
Pentest as a Service
Code Review
8.DarktraceCambridge, United KingdomAI based Security Solutions to secure Cloud, Endpoint, Network and many more
9.OneTrustAtlanta, Georgia, United StatesTrust Intelligence Cloud Solution
10.TenableColumbia, Maryland, United StatesNessus, Cloud Solution, Vulnerability Management Solution, OT Security and many more
11.OktaSan Francisco, California, United StatesCloud software for Identity and Access Management
12.Quick Heal Technologies Ltd.Pune, Maharashtra, IndiaAntivirus solutions for Desktops, PCs and Laptops
13.RSABedford, MassachusettsSecurID – Governance & Lifecycle, Single Sign-On
ID Plus – Subscription Plans, DS100 Authenticator, RSA Mobile Lock, Governance & Lifecycle Cloud, Risk AI
14.FortinetSunnyvale, California, United StatesCloud and on-premises Network devices and solutions
15.SophosAbingdon, United KingdomFirewall, Switches, Endpoint Solution, Mobile Solution, Encryption Solution and many moreServices related to compliance against NIS2 Directive, HIPAA, PCI DSS, GDPR, NIST SP800-171, ISO/IEC 27001:2022 and many more
16.F5Seattle, Washington, U.S.Firewall, DNS Load Balancer, DDoS Protection,
Solutions of Application Security, Zero Trust Architecture, Cloud security and many more
17.TrellixMilpitas, California, United StatesXDR, Endpoint Security,
SecOps and Analytics, Data Protection, Network Security, Threat Intelligence, Collaboration Security, Cloud Security and many more
Consulting on Security problems, Cyber Security Training, Risk & Compliance Services, Threat Intelligence Services, DevOps Services, SecOps Services, Incident Response Services and many more
18.RiskIQSan Francisco, CaliforniaSolution of Threat Intelligence
19.SymantecTempe, Arizona, United StatesCloud Solution of EndPoint Security, Network Security and many more
Endpoint Management Suite
Identity and Access Management
20.Kaspersky LabMoscow, RussiaSolution of Anti-Virus, Anti-Malware, and Anti-Ransomware Protection to protect IT systems from malicious attacks

Frequently Asked Questions

Which is the best company for cyber security?

It is very difficult to name one company as the best cybersecurity company. Although, you can name a few names:

  • Cisco
  • Palo Alto
  • Kaspersky Lab
  • Port Swigger
  • HackerOne
  • Bugcrowd and many more

Which programming language is essential for cyber security?


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How to Identify Hardware Trojans: Methods for Detection Mon, 18 Sep 2023 17:28:12 +0000 If you work in the field of cyber security, you often hear about the term ‘Hardware Trojan’, often abbreviated as...

The post How to Identify Hardware Trojans: Methods for Detection first appeared on All About Testing.

If you work in the field of cyber security, you often hear about the term ‘Hardware Trojan’, often abbreviated as ‘HT’.

Hardware Trojan is any modification in the circuitry of the Integrated Circuits(ICs) with malicious intentions. Modification in the IC circuit that leads to hardware trojan may be introduced at the time of the design or fabrication phase.

As we know the manufacturing process of ICs is fabless. The term “fabless” means the designing of hardware in one place or country and the actual manufacturing of silicon wafers or chips in another place or country. So it is challenging to identify the real source of contamination

Please understand that most of the techniques available to identify HTs are based on specific behaviors and attributes. Furthermore, if you employ an arbitrary method to detect trojans, the chances of failure are considerably higher. This blog provides you with a brief overview of methods of detection of hardware trojan or HT in the ICs.

Attributes of Hardware Trojans

  • Hardware Trojan is usually small in size
  • Generally passive as it triggers only after getting some specific input

Challenges in identification of Hardware Trojans

  • The size of HT is too small
  • Reverse engineering is very difficult, costly, and time-consuming
  • There is no guarantee that no HT will be available in the remaining circuit
  • HT is specifically constructed for stealth purposes.

Identify Hardware Trojans – Methods for Detection

Before starting the methods to identify hardware trojans, remember one thing “No method can identify the trojan with 100 percent accuracy”. This simply means no method can guarantee for identification of all Trojans in the IC. However, there are still some methods to identify Trojans.

Prevention Techniques to Identify Trojans During Design and Fabrication

Identify Risks of Hardware Trojans introduced in the early phase of productionReview of Design Employ techniques for supply chain security during productionEmploy innovative technologies to mitigate the risks of counterfeit products

Techniques to Identify Trojans After Fabrication

Method – Optical
Expensive and time-consuming
Methods – Run Time and Test Time
Include side-channel analysis

Destructive method – It involves reverse engineering technique to unfold different layers of ICs with the powerful microscope including the optical microscope and then compare the design and placement of different gates with the original design. Golden design is required to identify the trojan in this method.

Non-Destructive Methods

Run Time – Analyze the behavior of the device while running and compare it with the ideal results to identify the discrepancy. It is recommended to use error detection methods to detect trojans in FPGA and system-on-chip (SoC)

Test Time – This method is based on the logic testing approach. Different test cases are used as input to identify any unusual behavior of output.

Side Channel Analysis – One of the best methods to detect hardware trojans by analysis of leakage of physical parameters during run time of ICs. Physical parameters such as acoustic, EMI/EMC, power, etc. are used to determine secret cryptographic keys.

The post How to Identify Hardware Trojans: Methods for Detection first appeared on All About Testing.

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Quick Overview: Understanding Hardware Trojans Fri, 21 Jul 2023 17:30:26 +0000 Hardware Trojan (HT) is a tiny piece of hardware circuitry available on IT hardware with malicious intentions. You can take...

The post Quick Overview: Understanding Hardware Trojans first appeared on All About Testing.

Hardware Trojan (HT) is a tiny piece of hardware circuitry available on IT hardware with malicious intentions. You can take an example of access to hardware without proper authentication and authorization methods.

Physical and logical parameters, including particular temperatures and humidity, wireless signals, etc. may activate hardware Trojans.

Hardware Trojan circuitry is divided into two types of circuitry:

  • Trigger circuit – activate on achieving certain physical and logical parameters such as input signals, timing, or environmental factors to activate HT. Trigger circuitry is responsible for activating the malicious functionality of the hardware Trojan.
  • Payload circuit – execution of the unintended function that is not mentioned in the specification after activation of HT. Payload circuitry can be designed to leak sensitive data, disable the device, or create vulnerabilities.

Purpose of Hardware Trojan

The primary purpose of using a hardware trojan in an IC circuit is to bypass the security functionality to access the IT hardware or for information leakage. HT can disable or destroy the whole chipset available on the hardware. HT encompasses espionage by stealing data, sabotage by disrupting normal operations, data manipulation, creating backdoors for unauthorized access, counterfeiting, and DoS attacks.

HTs can compromise sensitive systems, intellectual property, and supply chains, posing grave security threats. Detection and prevention are crucial for preserving system trust and security.

Detection of Hardware Trojan

Test Methods used for the detection of Hardware Trojans are under research. It is tough to identify HT by using traditional methods. Below are some ways available to locate HT on the IT hardware. Countermeasures include physical inspection, side-channel analysis, functional testing, and secure supply chain practices. Mitigating hardware Trojan risks is vital to safeguarding critical infrastructure, military systems, intellectual property, and data privacy. You may refer additional blog on the Method of Detection of Hardware Trojans.

Side Channel Analysis Detecting hardware Trojans using side-channel analysis involves collecting unintended information leakage like power consumption, and then analyzing this data for anomalies. All IT hardware emits different signals that include electrical, magnetic, acoustic, etc. Statistical techniques and machine learning are often employed for pattern recognition. It’s a specialized and ongoing challenge in hardware security, requiring expertise and access to target hardware. These residual signals may be utilized to identify malicious circuitry on the IC. Click Here to learn interview questions related to Side Channel Attacks.

Physical Checking of IC This method involves the comparison of the circuit available on the chip with the actual chip with golden specifications. This method is not easy to detect hardware trojans. To identify hardware Trojans through physical inspection, examine a device’s physical components, employ microscopes, X-rays, CT scans, FIB analysis, electron microscopy, and reverse engineering. Look for irregularities, hidden components, or modifications, and compare with trusted references. Expert analysis is crucial, though some Trojans may remain undetected if highly sophisticated.

Built-in Tests – Tester inserted a small piece of additional circuitry to identify IT hardware access or extract sensitive information.

Functional Testing – This involves the analysis of input and output obtained on the chip. HT could be identified if there is a deviation from the actual design. Test patterns, signal analysis, fault injection, and stress testing are employed to detect anomalies or deviations from expected behavior. It complements other methods like physical inspection and is essential for robust hardware security assessment.


This blog provides you with a brief overview of Hardware Trojan. This blog explains Hardware Trojans about their malicious purposes, including data theft and system sabotage, and highlights the methods of detecting and preventing these Trojans.

The post Quick Overview: Understanding Hardware Trojans first appeared on All About Testing.

]]> 0 10568
10 Tips to Secure SCADA Networks from Hackers Mon, 10 Jul 2023 16:07:32 +0000 Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) networks have desktops, big machines, laptops, network devices, sensors, etc. to perform key functions...

The post 10 Tips to Secure SCADA Networks from Hackers first appeared on All About Testing.

Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) networks have desktops, big machines, laptops, network devices, sensors, etc. to perform key functions in big infrastructures that include power generation, power distribution, natural gas, gasoline, water management, waste treatment plant, etc. These are the critical infrastructures of any country. To secure SCADA networks, we discuss and provide you 10 Tips to Secure SCADA Networks from Hackers.

(1) Perform Risk Assessment to identify all SCADA components in the network

Risk assessment is essential to identify the components of the SCADA system. This activity gives you a whole idea regarding the different parts deployed in a system. In addition, it gives you a security posture of the SCADA system by allowing you to see the security measures employed in a network.

(2) Perform security measures to mitigate risks identified in Risk Assessment activity

After the successful completion of the Risk Assessment, another activity is to take measures to mitigate identified risks. Some of the measures include but are not limited to

  • Isolating unused components and devices in a network,
  • Blocking unnecessary ports on the Internet,
  • Remove/disable unnecessary services/software deployed in a network
  • Harden components and devices as per industry best practices

(3) Never trust proprietary protocols to secure systems

If your vendors are fully transparent in providing details of security implementation, most of the issues vanish automatically. But in practice, most of them follow the principle to achieve security by obscurity.

(4) Renew deployed components and devices once recommended by vendors

This is the major problem associated with SCADA systems. As the price of any component is on the higher side, management generally takes a long time to replace same. One of the other reasons is the availability of compatible hardware available in the market. Most of the old components deployed in a system have security issues such as backdoors, known vulnerabilities, etc. Hackers generally need only one or two vulnerabilities to enter into the system.

(5) Implement a well-trained 24 X 7 Incident Response team

Implementing security measures is one part, and incident response is another trade that needs to implement to secure things once some breach is detected by the security team. The preparation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and implementation is the critical aspect of a successful response to any cyber attack.

(6) Arrange Technical Security Audits of the SCADA system from an independent agency

Quality security auditing can find ninety percent of security issues available in a network. It is recommended to conduct audits regularly and frequency will be based on recommendations of security experts. These audits helped organizations to ensure configurational issues in the SCADA network.

(7) Create internal Red teams having expertise in SCADA security to perform attacks just like Hackers

Create an internal SCADA Red team to simulate cyber attacks. This activity allows management to see how effective the security posture of the entire SCADA system. If an in-house Red team is not available, an organization may hire an external agency to do the activity.

(8) Create Disaster Recovery and System Backup Plan

In case of an actual cyber attack, a disaster recovery plan is the savior of that situation. To create an effective disaster recovery plan, regular drills may be organized, and identifying gaps in the exercise. Those gaps will provide an opportunity to implement more measures to fill those security gaps.

In addition, a system backup plan is essential to mitigate the risk of failing the system because of some reason. Ensure the system backup plan is effective against any mishappening.

(9) Implement Hardware and Software Configuration Management Plan

Managing the SCADA system is not easy. If an effective configuration management plan is not in place, it is almost impossible to identify changes in hardware and software deployed in a network. Hence, It is essential to create a proper log for deploying hardware and software in a SCADA network. This small measure will help in identifying changes in the whole SCADA system easily.

(10) Approval of Security Processes from Higher Management

Remember to get approvals from higher management for all the processes you follow to secure the SCADA system. The more you are informed about the risks associated with the SCADA system, the more easily you get approvals for any measure to improve the cyber security posture of the whole system.

The post 10 Tips to Secure SCADA Networks from Hackers first appeared on All About Testing.

]]> 0 10482
Quick Overview: Hardware Security Vulnerabilities Sun, 02 Jul 2023 07:36:46 +0000 Community working in the field of hardware security list out of the most found vulnerabilities in hardware. Individuals involved in...

The post Quick Overview: Hardware Security Vulnerabilities first appeared on All About Testing.

Community working in the field of hardware security list out of the most found vulnerabilities in hardware. Individuals involved in the community are from academia, industry, and government agencies. The main reason for publishing vulnerabilities is to enhance awareness among professionals working in the field of hardware design, manufacturing, research, and security domains.

The 2021 CWE Most Important Hardware Vulnerabilities

CWE-1189 Improper Isolation of Shared Resources on System-on-a-Chip (SoC)

If shared resources on SoC are not isolated properly, this weakness may arise. As the number of pins is limited, pins may be configured for multiple tasks. Hence, sometimes untrusted agents may have access to resources that should have access to only trusted agents.

This vulnerability will be detected using dynamic analysis by verifying each system resource (e.g. control register) mapping with trusted and untrusted agents.

CWE-1191 On-Chip Debug and Test Interface With Improper Access Control

This vulnerability allows attackers to access the internals of the device by accessing enabled test interfaces such as JTAG. If proper authentication is not enabled or the test interface is not disabled, an attacker may use a different hardware hacking tool (e.g. JTAGugator) to access those interfaces and extract sensitive information including firmware.

Sometimes developers choose to hide debug and test interfaces by following a principle of security by obscurity. This is not a recommended practice to achieve security by hiding on-chip debug and test interfaces.

CWE-1231 Improper Prevention of Lock Bit Modification

Lock bit is used for the prevention of restricting access addresses, registers, etc. but if methods used for prevention are not effective, an attacker may unlock the bit.

CWE-1233 Security-Sensitive Hardware Controls with Missing Lock Bit Protection

CWE-1240 Use of a Cryptographic Primitive with a Risky Implementation

This vulnerability arises when developers use home-developed cryptographic implements in the device. It is recommended to use well-tested implementation of cryptographic implementation such as FIPS.

CWE-1244 Internal Asset Exposed to Unsafe Debug Access Level or State

CWE-1256 Improper Restriction of Software Interfaces to Hardware Features

This type of vulnerability arises when a change in software configurations results in changes in hardware memory or register bits or emission of side channels.

CWE-1260 Improper Handling of Overlap Between Protected Memory Ranges

CWE-1272 Sensitive Information Uncleared Before Debug/Power State Transition

CWE-1274 Improper Access Control for Volatile Memory Containing Boot Code

CWE-1277 Firmware Not Updateable

Sometimes firmware is not updatable for fixing operational and security issues. This type of vulnerability exposes customers permanently until that device is removed from the system.

CWE-1300 Improper Protection of Physical Side Channels

Physical Side Channel attacks are used to break cryptographic implementations used in hardware devices. This type of attack is taking advantage of residual emission of energy in the form of electromagnetic emission, acoustic, and power.


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Quick Review – Code Review Tool Checkmarx SAST Wed, 31 May 2023 16:54:27 +0000 Code Review is an essential component of the security of any IT product. Whether you are involved in code review...

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Code Review is an essential component of the security of any IT product. Whether you are involved in code review activity in any software development life cycle phase, Checkmarx Static Application Security Testing (SAST) is a great tool to minimize security issues in the whole IT product.

As supply chain attacks are on the rise, Checkmarx provides an in-depth report of security issues. You may refer to learn more about code review and what tools can be used for the activity. Also, it is recommended to go through the 50-Point Checklist for Secure Code Review.

This blog provides you with a quick review of the Checkmarx SAST tool that will help you in assessing the capabilities of the tool, also advantages, and disadvantages of the tool.


  • This tool is very effective in improving the security of applications. It also helps in securing the internal development process
  • Able to secure open-source code
  • Technical support for resolving issues is awesome
  • The report format provides details of issues
  • Integration with CI/CD tools available
  • Easy to use
  • Less number of false positive

Trial Available

The Checkmarx SAST tool is available for trial by requesting a demo on the official website. You need to provide a business email while requesting for email.

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Quick Overview: File Upload Vulnerabilities Sun, 28 May 2023 16:02:54 +0000 File upload vulnerabilities are the most common vulnerability found in web applications. This blog provides you with a guide to...

The post Quick Overview: File Upload Vulnerabilities first appeared on All About Testing.

File upload vulnerabilities are the most common vulnerability found in web applications. This blog provides you with a guide to understanding file upload vulnerabilities that include an introduction to vulnerability, how to test, and prevention methods. This blog also recommends using PortSwigger Academy to learn upload vulnerabilities.

Brief Overview of file upload vulnerabilities

File upload vulnerabilities arise in web applications where there is an upload of some files (e.g. photos, resume, mark sheet, videos, etc.) on the application. If there is no validation related to the type of file while uploaded by the web server, there is a high chance of getting file upload vulnerabilities.

How to test file upload vulnerabilities

File upload vulnerabilities may be identified by using the following steps:

  1. Identifying functionality on the web applications where the user is providing external files to the web application. For instance, on the Update Profile webpage, a photo of the user needs to be uploaded.
  2. Upload file which is allowed by the web application. Note which type of files are allowed to upload on web applications.
  3. Now, Try to find a way to upload files not allowed by the web application. There are several test methods available to bypass upload restrictions on web applications.
  4. If found a way, try to execute those files and gain access to back end system.

Risks of identifying file upload vulnerabilities

Upload vulnerabilities are lethal for web applications and may compromise the whole back-end server.

Prevention of file upload vulnerabilities

There is enough literature available to mitigate file upload vulnerabilities. Here, I am listing prevention techniques of mitigations.

  1. Allow upload only extensions that are needed for functionality
  2. Check for file type by using different libraries as the Content-Type header may be spoofed.
  3. Ensure a limit on the size of the file
  4. Authenticate user before uploading on web applications
  5. Web applications must use programs to sanitize the uploaded malicious files
  6. Ensure the filename should be changed after uploaded on the web application
  7. Use a whitelist for file upload rather than a blacklist of file types

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Quick Overview: Booting Process of Windows Wed, 26 Apr 2023 16:37:38 +0000 Booting is the process of starting a computer system. Also if you restart a computer system, you initiate a booting...

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Booting is the process of starting a computer system. Also if you restart a computer system, you initiate a booting process. Both processes of starting or restarting Windows are called booting. On booting, the operating system resides in hard disk loading on the working memory i.e. RAM. Booting is the critical process of any OS. This blog provides a brief overview of the booting process of Windows-based systems.

Types of Booting

(1) Hard Boot or Cold Boot

Hard Boot simply means starting a computer system from the switch-off state. Generally, you start a day in your office by switching on the computer system and clicking on the power button. That is called a hard boot or cold boot.

(2) Soft Boot or Warm Boot

Soft Boot simply means re-starting a computer system from the already switch-on state. If you are working on the computer system, sometimes you restart your computer because of updates or any other reason. That restart came under the soft boot or warm boot.

Windows System Files

Windows OS needs so many files to run properly. Some are very critical as if those files are missing, Windows does not boot up. While some are not very essential, as it does not affect the operating system’s running.

Generally, attackers try to corrupt system files to compromise the computer system. Hence, it is very critical to prevent OS to compromise with malicious software. Below is the list of files that are required while running OS.

File NamesDescription
Win32k.sysSystem file that is used for handling Windows applications
Ntdll.dllPart of the advanced API services library
Hal.dllHardware Abstraction Layer Dynamic-link Library
Ntkrnlpa.exeNew Technology Kernel Process Allocator
Ntoskrnl.exefor memory management and hardware abstraction
User32.dllHelp in manipulating the user interface
Advapi32.dllPart of advanced API services library
Kernel32.dllPart of the advanced API services library
Gdi32.dllhelp in operating Windows programs

Windows Boot Process

Windows 8 and above operating system uses the BIOS-MBR method or UEFI-GPT method. Please remember that the UEFI-GPT method is the newer method and the selection of the method depends on the choice of the user. BIOS-MBR method is also used by old Windows operating systems such as Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7.


  1. The first step is to load the BIOS by hitting the power button. BIOS will check prerequisites such as whether the hardware is connected, and in a running state.
  2. MBR starts.
  3. The Volume Boot Sector (VBS) takes care of the operating system.
  4. NT Boot Sector starts.
  5. BOOTMGR.EXE starts. It checks Boot Configuration Data (BCD) and WINRESUME.EXE
  6. WINLOAD.EXE starts loading the operating system kernel.
  7. NTOSKRNL.EXE initiates to check HAL.DLL.
  8. Phase 0 starts with NTOSKRNL.EXE.
  9. Phase 1 starts with NTOSKRNL.EXE.
  10. SMSS.EXE starts.

To check which boot method is used by your desktop, follow the below navigation

  1. Open “Computer Management” with Administrator privilege
  2. Click on Disk Management
  3. Right-click on Disk 0 and select properties

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Quick Overview: FIPS 140-3 Wed, 05 Apr 2023 17:50:02 +0000 FIPS 140 series is a well-known standard in the field of cryptography. FIPS stands for Federal Information Processing Standard and...

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FIPS 140 series is a well-known standard in the field of cryptography. FIPS stands for Federal Information Processing Standard and it basically provides security requirements for cryptographic modules. This standard is mandated by the US and Canada for compliance with products that use cryptography. Although, many other governments use this standard for evaluating crypto-based products.

New standard FIPS 140-3 based on existing ISO/IEC 19790 and ISO/IEC 24759 has been released and it will succeed FIPS 140-2. This standard specifies four levels of security levels for each of the 11 requirements areas.

Related Standards: FIPS 140-3

ISO/IEC 19790: 2012 provides security requirements for cryptographic modules.

ISO/IEC 24759: 2017 provides Derived Testing Requirements (DTRs).

ISO/IEC 20543: 2019 provides security techniques for Test and analysis methods for random bit generators within ISO/IEC 19790 and ISO/IEC 15408.

ISO/IEC 29128-1:2023 provides a framework for the verification of cryptographic protocols.

ISO/IEC 18367:2016 provides Security techniques for cryptographic algorithms and security mechanisms conformance testing.

ISO/IEC 17825:2016 provides security techniques for testing methods for the mitigation of non-invasive attack classes against cryptographic modules.

ISO/IEC TS 30104:2015 provides security techniques for Physical Security Attacks, Mitigation Techniques, and Security Requirements.

March 22, 2019: Fips 140-3 officially signed by US authorities

NIST SP 800-140 series serves as the requirements of CMVP.

The list of NIST 800-140 series is listed below:

(1) NIST SP 800-140: FIPS 140-3 Derived Test Requirements (DTR)

(1) NIST SP 800-140A: Vendor Documentation Requirements for eleven requirements (ISO Annex A)

(2) NIST SP 800-140B: Module Security Policy Requirements (ISO Annex B)

(3) NIST SP 800-140C: Approved Security Functions such as block ciphers, asymmetric encryption, MAC, key management, random bit generation, etc. (ISO Annex C)

(4) NIST SP 800-140D: Sensitive Security Parameter Key Generation and Sensitive Security Parameter Key Establishment (ISO Annex D)

(5) NIST SP 800-140E: Approved Authentication Methods (ISO Annex E)

(6) NIST SP 800-140F: Approved non-invasive attack mitigation test metrics (ISO Annex F)

FIPS 140-3 Requirements and Security Levels

Requirement AreaSecurity Level 1Security Level 2Security Level 3Security Level 4
Cryptographic Module Specification
Cryptographic Module Interface
Roles, Services, and Authentication
Software/Firmware Security
Operational Environment
Physical Security
Non-Invasive Security
Security Parameter Management
Life-Cycle Assurance
Mitigation of Other Attacks

New Terms used in FIPS 140-3

(1) Public Security Parameters (PSP)

Public Keys, certificates, etc.

(2) Critical Security Parameters (CSP)

Secret and Private cryptographic keys, authentication data, etc.

(3) Sensitive Security Parameters (SSP)

It includes both PSPs and CSPs. Automated SSP transport or SSP agreement using approved methods.

(4) Confidentiality and integrity-related requirements with CSPs

(5) Only integrity-related requirements for PSPs

(6) Pre-Operational self-tests

(7) Periodic self-tests

(8) Conditional fault test: Self-test must fail on detecting a fault in a cryptographic algorithm.

(9) Vendor Testing is required at all levels.

(10) Low-level testing is required at SL3 and SL4

(11) End of Life: SL1 requires a procedure for secure sanitization while SL3 and SL4 require a procedure for secure destruction of the module.

Implementation Schedule

March 22, 2019FIPS 140-3 Approved
September 22, 2019FIPS 140-3 Effective Date
Draft of SP 800-140x available for public comment
March 22, 2020
Publication of SP 800-140x series
September 22, 2020CMVP accepts FIPS 140-3 submission
September 21, 2021CMVP stops accepting FIPS 140-2 for new certificates
September 22, 2026Remaining FIPS 140-2 certificates move to the Historical list

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Who is The Father of Computer Security? Tue, 04 Apr 2023 09:08:44 +0000 August Kerckhoffs is considered the father of computer security. He is a linguist and German professor at HEC, Paris. Why...

The post Who is The Father of Computer Security? first appeared on All About Testing.

August Kerckhoffs is considered the father of computer security. He is a linguist and German professor at HEC, Paris.

Source: Wikipedia

Why is he known as the Father of Computer Security?

August Kerckhoffs published many research papers on computer security without mentioning modern cryptography. He laid the foundation of modern cryptography by performing extensive research work on encryption. Specifically, He wrote an essay (Title: Military Cryptography) in the Journal of Military Science in February 1883.

Six Principles of Practical Cipher Design

He recommended six principles for designing ciphers and cryptosystems that include:

  1. Try to create a system practically unbreakable, although it may be theoretically breakable.
  2. Cryptosystem should remain secure until the key is safe. In other words, knowing the system’s design should not compromise the system’s security until the key is safe. This principle is also called Kerckhoffs’s principle.
  3. Applicable to telegraph communication
  4. secrets must be remembered without using written notes
  5. The design of a cryptosystem should be simple and there should be no need for a lot of manpower.
  6. Cryptosystems should be easy to operate and not use difficult processes to know by users.

He suggested achieving security by publishing details of the design of cryptosystems and ciphers.


August Kerckhoffs is known as the father of computer security. He recommended open discussion on the design of the system so that if security issues exist, they will be revealed. He is not recommended in achieving any security through obscurity.

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